Dig Good Ol' Rock/Alt Music During the Holiday Season!

Hi Friends~ I hope this finds you warm and smiling as we cruise into the Wild Holiday Season! It can be a bit overwhelming at times, but this year I'm going to try my best to kick back and enjoy these days. It's been hard lately trying to figure out where to go next with our music, and I'm truly hoping 2013 will be the year we have more opportunities to ramp up sharing the music we make. We have been quite fortunate so far thanks to you!

If you have been on the fence wondering if you would like our new CD THIS SIDE OF MADNESS or haven't had time to run all over the web listening to samples, please check out the Music Player widget on our Homepage. We really hope you dig these tunes. Music makes great holiday gifts for your music lovin' family and friends, and CD Baby is AWESOME about getting the CDs out promptly so please take a listen and order soon.

We are very appreciative for the requests made to the radio stations (check out our Radio Stations page!). Thank you so much for taking the time to call, email, tweet, and Facebook our radio friends.

Sharing our YouTube videos helps The Sarah Swanson Band with exposure too. The YouTube widget takes you to all our videos. Please subscribe so you will know when new videos are uploaded. 

Please visit SarahSwansonMusic.com often so we can keep in touch. Email me anytime. I so much appreciate the kind letters and messages I receive encouraging us to KEEP GOING! You may not realize how much your kind words keep us rockin' on. Wishing you peace and love during this wonderous Holiday Season!

xoxo, sarah

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